Saturday, August 10, 2013

All by myself!!! (AUG-10-2013) with a cryptic crossword?

Eid Mubarak!!!!

This weekend was a Guelph weekend, so I was all excited that only four days after my last Guelph weekend I got to see my very favourite person AGAIN! Except that he clearly was not as excited to see me, because he decided to go camping in Niagara Falls. So I'm all alone in the apartment, which means it's the perfect time for a blog post!

(by the way Khalid, I just ate all your peanut butter AND drank all your Coke Zero. So... ha HA! You're lucky I can't have dairy anymore, otherwise that butterscotch ice cream wouldn't be safe either...). Now I will dazzle you with my weekly adventures while I try not to Jiffy the keyboard.

Let's start with this, proof that I AM training for the CN Tower stair climb in the 25 floor stairwell of my building. On Tuesday my sweater even matched the railing. That was the highlight of my Tuesday (don't worry, my week got slightly more exciting).

On Thursday I went searching for a speciality food shop that one my friends told me was in Sick Kids hospital. I think it was at least two times she had brought it up and I just happened to remember this day on my lunch break. People. Have you ever been to Sick Kids? If you go in through the University street entrance it is totally boring... BUT! If you go in from the Elizabeth street entrance it is WONDERLAND!

Khalid was joking that I am a kid at heart, so of course I would like this place, but really I think that anyone who likes anything would like it. But how would I find this speciality shop somewhere in this vast fairy place? Well, of course they have a touch screen that shows you where to go. Of course they do.
 And then, the shop was found...

 Holy cow! Sooooo much gluten-free stuff I think I might die and go to heaven (or just come here every single day on my lunch break?). I ended up being completely sensible and getting a seed and dried fruit mix... but only because I was planning on having a cookie later in the day.

Anyway, rock on Sick Kids, I never would have guessed you would be so on top of the food allergies (Oshawa General, you could take some notes here).

And then, I just had to take a picture of this plaque they had describing their various categories of benefactors... because who donates $9,999,999? That extra dollar was just too much? I'm just saying, in for a penny, in for 10 million.

And without further ado, here is that cookie I was saving myself for! This "fast food" joint opened up in the PATH less than a year ago and they proudly claim to be "wheatless and meatless!" So all you GF vegans out there, check this place out! Kupfert and Kim do great breakfasts, you can get quinoa with bananas and cashew butter... or oatmeal, or smoothies, or all sorts of other great things (like their own spiced tea blend with... cumin seeds?! I know, but it works). My favourite though are their cookies they make with oatmeal, pumpkin seeds, cranberries and chocolate chips. No butter, no eggs... no calories!!!! (as far as I'm concerned, anyway). And for your breakfast they offer all sorts of toppings like fresh fruit, nuts and every possible alternative milk you can imagine. Come say hi if you're passing through!

[I usually buy two for the train, but they never actually make it to the train.]

And that was my week! Today (Saturday) I went to the YMCA after seeing Khalid off to camping, noticed that the high score on the Stairmaster this week was 421 floors, which I am going to crush tomorrow. I also went to the Farmer's Market, where I saw the biggest zucchinis of my life.

But that was not the highlight of the trip!!!! (if you've read even one of these posts you should know by now that I found something sweet... probably something with frosting... what could it be?)

(I need you to imagine the ground shaking when you read this)

Oh please, be still my heart. And these cupcakes will still your tachycardic heart, because they are totally vegan, so basically they are a vegetable. I had the lavender, and it was magical. I had a nice chat with the guy manning the table too (how does he not eat ALL of them?!). It's such a sweet start up business, come and give them your support if you're by the Farmer's Market some Saturday!

Also check out their facebook page where they have pictures of everything they make (including a totally hilarious graduation cake).
I think it's also important to note that the cupcake photo was taken outside because after the first bite I literally ran to my car so I wouldn't buy a thousand more.

I would like to thank Sick Kids, Kupfert and Kim, and Fairly Frosted Vegan Cupcakery for all of my delicious tales this week. Please be advised that I am not a medical professional (although I play one on TV) and don't actually recommend cupcakes for tachycardia... but I do recommend them for break-ups and "why-did-my-fiance-leave-me-for-a-camping-trip?" life dilemmas.

And now, to finish with something totally non-food related...

...cryptic crosswords

What are these things, and who are the people in this world that can actually complete them? I took the one from Friday's Toronto Star home with me on the train thinking that "hey, I'm not awful at regular crosswords, how bad could I be at these?" The answer turned out to be: "the worst". I literally just stared at the thing the whole way home. At one point I attempted an answer, only to realize that I wrote it Across when it was for a Down clue (and it didn't fit Down, and I did it in pen... so double fail). So then I got home and googled how to complete a cryptic crossword and got this link:

And now, if you're too lazy go to this link, let me just give you a sampler:
Question: Accomodation that's barred for flappers (4-4)
Vicki's forethought: what would possibly prevent a 1920s flapper from entering a hotel, or some other type of accomodation? A bouncer? Could the answer be "BOUNCER"?
Vicki's afterthought: WHAT?! Oh wait... a birdcage is "accomodation" that has bars and holds "flappers," birds. Oh that's just silly. Okay, kind of funny. How do people get these things?

But then it just gets progressively more ridiculous.

Question: It's indecent to let little Albert roam around inside (6)
Vicki's forethought: is this a sexual joke? If it is, I don't get it.
Answer: AMORAL
Oh but wait for it, here is the explanation: "‘Little Albert’ is substituted for AL (‘little’ indicates an abbreviation rather than a small child). ‘around’ is an anagram indicator saying that the letters of ‘roam’ need to be moved around, in this case to make MORA and ‘inside’ says that they go inside AL. Placing MORA inside AL spells out the answer!"
Do you like how they cap off the explanation with an exclamation mark? As if you now both must be thinking "Ooooooh, of COURSE!"


Okay, let's do one last one together:
Question: "Widest and best way inside" (8)
Vicki's forethought: That's what she said. Okay, but no, seriously Vicki, you have two degrees, you can do this. Apply yourself. Maybe "way inside" means the answer is made up of the letters in the middle of the word "inside"? INS. INSD. DINS? DINOSAUR! But what do they mean by "widest and "best"? Vicki, that's half the clue. IDE. DIE. The widest and best way to die? DIE. COFFIN. JOHNNY-IN-A-COFFIN. JOHN JACOB JINGLEHEIMER SCHMIDT!!! Well now you're not even trying. 
Answer: "BROADEST"
Vicki's afterthought: ...

Just kidding, there was no afterthought, I was already on youtube watching cat videos.

Lastly, THIS:

If you listen closely, you can almost hear my childhood weeping.

Just kidding, we are all so happy for you, Mom!!!!!!

Later days,

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